Friday, January 13, 2017

Bonnette Bio

Brian Bonnette is Bonnette Da Bandit, a rapper from Orangeburg SC. I started writing lyrics when I was 15 hoping to escape poverty. I always was a decent writer as a kid, I wrote short stories and won an award in 3rd grade for writing an essay. Growing up with less than others made me want. So I choose this rap profession; influenced by those at top of the game with videos, shows, shiny things and hoes. I started recording with my friend Corey and two radios. One radio had a mic built in to it and the other radio played the beat. At first the beats were instrumentals for like 6months, then Corey parents got him a keyboard for his birthday it was like fate. We recorded damn near everyday, I even recorded sick. After high school I moved to GA but Corey had another year to do. I was hoping he would move there with me and my brother when he got out of school but he didnt. I worked for like 2years in GA then got fired and came back home nothing never jumped off for me in GA with the music, I did try but not hard enough. Back home liven with my mama; the house is crowded; fiances are ugly, I got no time for music. I focused on other things. Years past. I messed around and got with a woman while being in a crazy liven situation. I had a bad car accident and lost my means of transportation (a honda accord my brother gave me to go home with). Keep in mind no job yet since being home. I eventually went back to GA. My lady was supportive of me going back but she hated it. This time Im not successful at getting work on Memorial Dr.( thats what I said) I had an interview at Office Depot but that lady called my bluff about previous work experience. Then I lost my ID so Krystals couldnt give me work. I came home again; this time I stayed. Not much focus on music just working and hustling. I did meet some cool MCs recording music down the road from me. I was still writing lyrics, so my cousin took me over to his cousin house where I saw what a pc could do. I meet Cool Edit and Fruit Loops, now Im back rapping again. I went and put my own studio together and learned some shit. More years past, and Im still learning shit. I realize I need money to fund me, so I hustling whatever is in demand. Not doing what I should have been doing; like going to a pro studio with my money, I fucked around and got shot, so lifestyle changes had to happen. Now Im a starving artist spending my last on my dreams. Im not a special lyricist or a fast rapper I just listen to a beat and write whatever comes to mind. I feel its one of those gifts from the Creator Of All Liven Things. Here is a link to my music  

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